Manufacturing - Evershine
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Uncovering the best candidates for challenging positions.

Construction & Engineering is an important sector that contributes greatly in the economic growth of a nation. The Construction Industry is an investment-led sector where government shows high interest. Government contracts with Construction Industry to develop infrastructure related to health, transport as well as education sector. For prosperity of any nation, Construction Industry is quintessential.

We at Evershine have our finger on the pulse of the construction industry around the world and keep our database updated with the kind of categories required.


Industry Details

Our teams conduct independent searches and provide proactive assistance in locating individuals capable of overseeing compliance, governance, and risk-management initiatives. With our extensive clientele in the relevant industry, we also deliver major break-through to qualified applicants at top-notch industrial manufacturing units.

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Plant Manager

Operations Manager

Maintenance Supervisor

Logistics Manager

Industrial Engineer

Sales Engineer

Production Manager

Maintenance Engineer

Electrical Engineer

Supply Chain Manager

Manufacturing Engineer

Technical Support

Design Engineer

Mechanical Engineer

Welding Engineer

Project Manager


Current Result-Driven Opportunities


Global Platform to Connect with Prospective Employers

We work diligently with you to assess your talents and shortcomings. We have a dedicated team of experts from several disciplines working with our international clients on hiring. To match employment demands on projects internationally, we use a regulated, controlled recruitment approach.

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Delivering High-Quality Manpower Internationally

We review our in-house capabilities and the availability of necessary employees in our database while evaluating the job order in detail supplied by the clients. This enables us to develop a clear plan for filling desired positions promptly across all skill sets – both generic and specialised.

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